Around The World In 80 Ways: Economical Modes Of Travel

Fri Oct 13 2023

Budget travel modes

Do you want to travel the world while saving money? Around The World In 80 Ways is an adventure travel show that takes viewers on a journey through five continents, using 80 different modes of transportation.

This blog post aims to explore economical and unconventional ways to make your dream of traveling around the world come true without breaking the bank. From hitchhiking and cycling, to house sitting and couchsurfing – have an unforgettable experience with amazing savings! Let’s explore efficient and affordable travelling methods so you can embark on an indefinite around-the-world trip.

Key Takeaways

  • Hitchhiking, cycling, public transportation, walking and volunteering are economical ways to get around the world.
  • House sitting, couchsurfing WWOOFing , budget airlines and travel hacking offer creative solutions for saving money while traveling .
  • Safety should always be kept in mind when deciding whether or not to accept someone’s offer of transportation like hitchhiking.
  • Investment in public transportation can generate approximately 17,900 jobs and $2.9 billion in economic impact each year on average.

What is "Around The World In 80 Ways"

An international travel show featuring 80 unique ways to explore the world without breaking the bank.

Adventure travel show using 80 different modes of transportation

The popular show "Around the World in 80 Ways" is an exploration of the world using 80 different modes of transportation. This fascinating adventure travel show takes viewers on a journey to explore remote corners and ancient cultures, all seen from unique perspectives as they experience over 80 unusual ways to traverse land, sea, mountains and cities.

From traditional planes and trains to classic cars and boats, unconventional skateboards/kitesurfing/paragliding or even odd rides like camels or llamas – viewers garner insight into many global destinations filtered through these eye-opening adventures.

Some other featured forms of transport include taxicabs, feluccas (a type of sailboat), cable car rails used for high-altitude skiing slopes among others – each one offering an innovative way to uncover new cultures.

Affordable Alternatives for Travel

Explore the world with creative ways to save money while traveling—hitchhiking, cycling, public transportation, walking and volunteering. Read on to learn more!


Hitchhiking is a great economical way to travel, offering the adventurer an opportunity to meet and engage with locals in interesting destinations. It involves soliciting a ride from strangers by standing at the edge of a road and hoping they'll offer you one.

House rules vary between countries though - in some places hitchhiking is legal and commonly practiced, while elsewhere it may be illegal or discouraged. In Europe, highways are generally considered the best place to try and get a ride as cars can move faster on them compared to urban areas; whereas long-distance buses provide more opportunities for travelers seeking rides in other parts of the world.

Safety should always remain paramount when deciding whether or not to accept someone’s offer of transportation: Before entering any vehicles you should consider if driver is sober, check their license plate & photograph it if possible, decide ahead what time you wish to disembark so that drivers know where they’re headed early on etc. If hitching for an extended period of time make sure use spare batteries for portable devices like cell phones & GPS navigations tools along with enough food & fluids.


Cycling is one of the most economical ways to travel around the world, with annual costs ranging from US$200 to US$340. Studies have shown that cycling is often the most affordable mode per kilometer traveled over other modes of transportation.

It’s incredibly inexpensive as an activity and means of getting around; not only can it provide a fun way to explore our environment and cities, but is also recognized for its environmental benefits too.

On top of this, bicycles are seen as an effective solution in reducing short-distance trip-related climate impacts which helps make the world we live in a more sustainable place! Together with walking on foot, these two economical means of transport open up plenty doors for exploration – so don't forget your helmet if you're trying them out!

Public Transportation

Public transportation is a great way to get around, whether you're traveling across the world or just in your own city. With different options like buses, light rail and trams available at low cost, public transportation is both an economical and safe form of travel.

Not only does it help with mobility for all people involved but it can also shape land use and development patterns by encouraging sustainable transport choices that favor the environment over other forms of transport.

Furthermore, investment in public transportation has an economic impact beyond just creating jobs; research shows that spending on public transportation can generate approximately 17,900 jobs and $2.9 billion in economic impact each year on average.


Traveling on foot is an affordable way to get around, especially if you are cash-strapped. It's one of the 80 modes of transport used by travellers during their journey Around The World In 80 Ways.

Plus, you don't need to set aside extra money for tickets or make reservations—all you need is a pair of comfortable shoes and your own two feet! Walking can provide a more immersive travel experience since it requires nothing more than walking slowly and observing your surroundings.

It also gives you the opportunity to meet local people who may be able to offer insights into the area that aren't available through traditional guidebooks or apps. Furthermore, walking eliminates concerns regarding safety often associated with other budgets forms of transportation such as hitchhiking or taking public transport in unfamiliar locations – foregoing all fares altogether yields maximum security.


Traveling the world doesn't have to break the bank – volunteering abroad is an affordable alternative for those looking to immerse themselves in local cultures and make a positive impact.

There are over 25 travel programs available offering cheap volunteer opportunities such as International Volunteer HQ, which provides over 330 affordable service trips for aspiring travelers.

Many times, volunteers may receive free accommodation, meals and sometimes even flight reimbursement if they agree to long-term more intensive assignments! While often these volunteering projects lend invaluable social benefits, there can be some unethical aspects involved such as taking away jobs from locals or creating dependency with overseas charity - travelers are encouraged to do research on volunteer based organizations they plan on joining and make sure the cause offered is suitable and helpful.

Creative Ways to Save Money While Traveling

Discover alternative and creative ways to make your budget-friendly travel dreams a reality. Read on to gain more insight into how you can do it!

House sitting

House sitting is an increasingly popular way for travelers on a budget to save money while still enjoying the world. It involves keeping an eye on someone's home while they are away in exchange for free accommodation.

This cost-effective approach allows travelers to visit as many destinations as their budgets allow without blowing it all on hotels and other forms of lodging. Not only does house sitting extend your vacation time, but also provides you with a unique opportunity to experience local culture firsthand and learn behind-the-scenes details about your destination that most visitors would never get! There are several trusted platforms like House Sitters America, Trusted House Sitters, International Housesitting Networks and more available today where aspiring house sitters can connect with homeowners looking for reprieve from their daily chores.

All of these sites make sure each party is provided with security checks before any agreement takes place, ultimately providing peace of mind during the entire house sitting process.


Couchsurfing is an online platform connecting budget-conscious travelers with hosts around the world who offer free or low cost accommodation. This economical and innovative form of accommodation has been embraced by millions of people worldwide, providing safe, welcoming and convenient places to stay on nearly every continent.

The advantages offered by this form of travel include a direct connection with local cultures as well as real cultural immersion experiences – something not found in traditional accommodations such as hotel rooms or hostels.

Founded by Casey Fenton in 2004, Couchsurfing now provides 200,000 cities worldwide with organized events that bring like minded people together for fun social activities. Additionally important safety tips and advice are also provided so users can experience meaningful connections while protecting against any potential risks associated with traveling abroad.


WWOOFing is an incredible way to explore the world without breaking the bank! It stands for World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms, and it’s a global movement dedicated to reconnecting people with their environment.

Volunteers, known as WWOOFers, visit organic farms around the globe. They help out with tasks like harvesting fruits and vegetables, milking cows or chickens, weeding gardens etc., usually in exchange for food and accommodation.

Not only does WWOOFing provide an amazing cultural experience; it also saves travelers money by eliminating accommodation and food costs! Another great benefit of WWOOFing is that it allows travelers to connect with locals in places they may not otherwise get a chance to explore thoroughly.

Budget airlines

Budget airlines offer passengers a cost-effective alternative for traveling around the world with cheaper ticket prices than traditional carriers. Cost savings are achieved by cutting out optional services such as in-flight meals and baggage allowances, reducing the overall price of each ticket.

Popular budget airlines include EasyJet in Europe, Ryanair in Ireland, Wizz Air in Central and Eastern Europe and Scoot or Tigerair to fly within Asia. They allow travelers to save funds on their trips while still enjoying quality flights at an affordable rate.

Flights booked on budget airlines usually come with limited options, but they also tend to be quicker due to fewer amenities like entertainment systems that traditional carriers provide which can sometimes slow down boarding times.

Travel hacking

Travel hacking is an incredibly popular way to save money on flights, accommodations and other travel expenses. It involves using creative strategies to get free or super cheap flight tickets, accomodations, points rewards and more.

You can join frequent flyer programs or look for flight hack deals through low-cost airlines such as Ryanair or EasyJet; you might even be able to secure a free accommodation stay by house sitting, couchsurfing or WWOOFing (World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms).

And when it comes to vacations packages and tours, there are many sites dedicated to helping travelers find the best value for their money. All these strategies allow people to not only save some cash but also earn valuable points and rewards that can be used towards future trips.

Conclusion - How to Travel the World on a Budget

Traveling the world can seem like a daunting and expensive journey, but it doesn’t have to be. With a little bit of research and creativity, travelers can find affordable options for exploring new places.

Hitchhiking, cycling, public transportation, walking or volunteering are some economical ways to get around which give travelers more time to explore without breaking the bank. Other creative solutions such as house-sitting, couchsurfing WWOOFing , budget airlines and travel hacking offer great opportunities for saving money while still allowing people to create incredible memories abroad.

Exploring Mariano ́s and Anderson's journey on Around The World In 80 Ways reveals many surprising modes of transport across cultures—showing that with just an open mind and plenty of courage it´s possible brighten up our horizons even while staying within our budgets!

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