Traveling For Work: How To Make The Most Of Every Business Trip

Fri Oct 06 2023

Traveling For Work

Are you dreading your next business trip? With 35 best tips, this blog way help make it more bearable. Traveling for work can be tiring and stressful but with our guide on how to make the most of every business trip, it doesn't need to be.

From packing lists to tips for making connections on layovers - learn how to navigate the world of work travel so that both your job performance and quality of life don't suffer! Let us show you the perfect way to start each journey in order to arrive energized and prepared.

Key Takeaways

  • Read and understand your company's travel policy before heading on a business trip.
  • Pack strategically and prioritize comfort when travelling for work.
  • Sign up for rewards programs to get exclusive benefits on worldwide routes.
  • Maximize the purpose of every trip by choosing water over alcohol, utilizing networking opportunities provided by layovers, sticking to daily routines and using firewalls when accessing public internet connection.

Before You Travel

Read the company's travel policy carefully, pack only the necessities and prioritize comfort while planning for your trip.

Check company's travel policy

Before heading to any business trip, it is important to read and understand your company's travel policy. This outlines the essential rules, procedures, and guidelines related to work-related travels such as booking methods for flights and hotels, expenses that will be covered by the company including reimbursement procedure and invoicing.

Failure to adhere to these policies can lead to potential issues regarding reimbursement or misunderstanding of what activities are allowed during corporate trips. Knowing what exactly is expected from you can help avoid potential problems down the line so make sure you have gone through those rules before departing on a business trip.

Pack strategically (carry-on only, essentials ready)

Having everything you need with you, without having to worry about lost luggage or waiting for checked-in bags is a great way to save time and energy on business trips. Carrying only a carry-on suitcase can make the travel process much more efficient while also reducing the hassle of dealing with transportation of larger items.

When preparing for business trips, it is essential to have your essentials ready before leaving as any delays can be disastrous, especially if they involve important meetings or paperwork.

Not only will packing light help minimize weight when walking through airports but it enables one to pack smartly by ensuring all necessary items are in one place and readily accessible at any given time.

Choosing what items should go into the bag takes thoughtful consideration; adding those extra pairs of shoes might not be ideal; typically anything that fits TSA regulations should suffice.

Prioritize comfort

Traveling for work can be a draining experience if comfort is not prioritized. It is important to ensure that you are relaxed and comfortable while in transit, as it will promote productivity and increase the chances of success on your business trip.

Comfort helps reduce stress and enables better sleep, making a huge impact on energy levels during the day. Therefore, it is essential to pack strategically when traveling for business--bringing clothes that match dress code or company culture of the place visited; considering weather forecast; adding items like eye masks, neck pillows, noise-canceling headphones or anything else that can make your journey more enjoyable.

Dress comfortably so you don’t feel uncomfortable when sitting down for long periods of time. Choose flat shoes over heels or any other footwear which can make walking across airports much easier! Also consider scheduling your airport ride ahead as it will take away one thing from your pre-travel planning list along with reducing stress before leaving home/hotel room door step.

Sign up for rewards programs

As a business traveler, it pays to utilize the various loyalty and rewards programs available. Rewards allow you to accrue points across flights, hotels stays or car rentals which can then be used to offset future costs.

Programs such as National Car Rental Emerald Club, Starwood Preferred Guest, Hilton Honors and others provide special perks like complimentary upgrades or free nights’ stays in exchange for loyalty points.

Additionally, there are also global loyalty programs which offer exclusive benefits throughout multiple airlines and networks on worldwide routes such as Star Alliance or Priority Pass.

During Your Business Trip

Maximize the purpose of every trip by opting for health-conscious options and utilizing networking opportunities. Read on to get tips on how to make your next work trip even more productive!

Choose water over alcohol

For business travellers, it is important to prioritize staying hydrated during the travel. Staying hydrated can help improve productivity and focus that are required for a successful business trip as opposed to alcohol consumption which has potential negative consequences such as jet lag, dehydration and missed opportunities due to reduced mental clarity.

Instead of alcohol or coffee, opt for water where possible – either from taps or buying bottles if not safe enough - will ensure you stay refreshed and energized throughout the long days of travel.

Additionally, drinking several glasses of water on short flights helps prevent jetlag by keeping your body salt balance in check. Alternating between alcoholic drinks with those containing no or low amount of alcohol - such as sherries, beers with lower percentage ABV-per-bottle - and water (or soda) typically leads to less caffeine loaded drinks; this way you'd still be able enjoy yourself while being mindful about drinking within healthy limits.

Make use of layovers to connect

Layovers don't have to be a wasted opportunity. On the contrary, they can offer business travelers tremendous value in terms of catching up on emails and calls, networking with colleagues, clients or potential partners, as well as reducing stress levels associated with air travel.

Airlines define layovers as any connection shorter than 4 hours for domestic flights or 24 hours for international ones. Business travelers can turn layovers into productive and enjoyable stops by taking advantage of customer lounges offering free Wi-Fi connections when available.

Additionally reach out to contacts you may already know via emails or LinkedIn messages while waiting for the next flight informing them that you’ll be connecting through their city.

This is often an excellent way to arrange meetings during your stay even if it's just a short one! Furthermore, take some time to stretch your legs at local attractions if they're within walking distance from the airport - this can help break monotony and inject freshness into long journeys.

Stick to daily routines

Sticking to daily routines is a great way to get the most out of your business travel. When you’re away from home, it can be too easy to break habits and find yourself spiraling in terms of productivity and restfulness.

Being healthy while working on-the-go requires that you maintain some consistency with meals, exercise, sleep routines, and leisure time when possible. This helps ensure that you are adequately fueled for work meetings or deadlines – but also properly rested so that jet lag doesn’t negatively impact your performance or hinder well-being in other areas such as mood stability.

Maintaining regular activities can be especially beneficial if there isn't much free time available during the trip; having a good routine adds structure to the day which will help manage stress levels more effectively than ever before! Furthermore, shared meals are often important during business trips since they provide opportunities for networking with colleagues – make sure not to miss them due to an inconsistent schedule! Dedicating even just a few minutes each day to take a walk around the local area is also proven helpful in reducing tiredness associated with air-traveling and keeping energy up throughout those long meeting days.

Use a firewall when using public internet

No matter the length of your stay, when traveling for business it is essential to have a secure connection. Installing a firewall on all devices before departure can add an extra layer of security and helps protect sensitive information when using public Wi-Fi.

It also gives you added peace of mind during your moment away from home or office, knowing that potential cyber threats are being guarded against. A firewall acts as a filter between computers and the internet by scanning incoming data and preventing access if suspicious activity is recognized - making it vital for any type of travel situation where your device will be connecting to other networks.

Remember to always keep updated software running on all your machines in order to maintain optimal protection against malicious attacks while using untrusted connections. Utilizing this basic but important precaution should become second nature whenever you’re out in the world representing yourself or company abroad!

After Your Business Trip

Submit expenses quickly, thank colleagues and other professionals who helped you with your trip in a personalized email, leave reviews for businesses you used while on the road and make organizing future trips easier with helpful tips and travel accessories.

Submit expenses

When it comes to traveling for work, submitting expenses is an important part of the process. One must be aware of their company’s travel and reimbursement policies before commencing a business trip.

Good record-keeping will help manage and track all business travel expenses effectively which can include mileage, meals, and overnight accommodation costs. When filing for reimbursements your employer may require itemized receipts so it’s best to keep detailed records throughout your journey if you wish to get reimbursed for any expenses incurred on the job.

Additionally, most companies have budget limitations in place when it comes to employee travel expenses so documenting them correctly could mean avoiding an unexpected surprise at the end of the month!

Send thank-you emails

After a business trip, sending thank-you emails to clients and partners is an important practice that helps get the most out of every trip. Thank-you emails are meaningful gestures to show appreciation and demonstrate professionalism, courtesy, and thoughtfulness.

This simple act of communication can be invaluable in strengthening professional relationships and helping build on business success for future trips. What should you include in a thank you mail? Some tips could be: first thanking the person for their assistance during the meeting or event; summarizing what was accomplished; expressing sincere gratitude; informing them of your return date/time and finally reiterating contact information (if applicable).

Taking this small extra step after each business trip not only sends a positive message to those involved but also reinforces operational processes which will make future travel smoother.

Leave reviews for businesses

During business trips, it's a good idea to leave reviews for hotels, cafes, attractions and other businesses that you visit. Reviews are helpful both to travelers who want honest feedback from people who have 'been there' and to the businesses themselves.

Positive reviews not only showcase a company or product’s reputation, but improve visibility online as well as potentially impacting their search engine rankings. On top of this practical benefit of increased publicity it is important for companies receive success stories of how they helped make someone's trip more enjoyable - Ultimately this helps boost customer loyalty in the long run! Furthermore leaving an accurate review can ensure up-to-date information (e.g., prices & opening hours) , which further benefits future customers looking for such info when looking into planning their own travels.

Therefore taking just some extra time to write some polite but honest criticism could really help out upcoming visitors .

Make work travel simpler with tips and accessories

Having the right accessories for your business trips is essential to simplify the work travel experience. You’ll want to make it a priority to invest in good quality and lightweight belongings like bags, laptop sleeves, and chargers that are both convenient and reliable when you hit the road.

Additionally, joining rewards programs such as frequent flyer miles or loyalty bonuses from hotel groups can reward you with major savings on airfare and accommodations. Strategically packing items prior to traveling reduces stress—a top tip: keep all essentials (e.g toiletries) together in an accessible pouch! By following these best practices you will find out that lightpacking enables travelers more mobility on their journey whilst cutting down frustration upon arrival at their destination having what they need without hauling around excessive weight.


Traveling for business can be a stressful experience, but it doesn’t have to be. By following the tips and advice outlined in this article, you can make every business trip more successful and enjoyable.

Packing carefully, staying hydrated, using rewards programs and taking advantage of layovers are all great ways to maximize your travels while maintaining optimum comfort levels. Ultimately, use these helpful tips to help ensure each trip goes smoothly so that each one won’t add extra stress or strain on you during work trips!

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